The digital acceleration of the Australian freight industry

Are you ready for the digital transformation of the Australian freight industry? Perhaps you are already on board and are using digital freight solutions across your transport operations. Or you’re sitting back and watching it happen around you, unsure of if or how you should make the leap.

Operators across the country differ on their level of uptake, but one thing is certain: the industry is moving towards digital operations and much of the work that was done using hard copies will be significantly changed.

Customer expectations of logistics have skyrocketed over the last couple of decades. Everything from online shopping, click-and-collect services, and demand for transparency has grown. Indeed expectations for all the transport industry have escalated.

This change is not out of the blue. The transport industry has watched as numerous other industries have shifted how they work to digital options over the last 20 years. Yet ironically, in this regard, transport operators have been holding still. This is not necessarily due to a desire to hold back. While other industries have been awash with digital options, this has not been the case in transport.

This is all changing now, and in a hurry. In this blog, we will review the benefits of making the change, innovations on the horizon, and how operators can make the most of the opportunities presented through digitisation.

Why is this happening now?

Though slow at first, the Australian freight industry is now in a red-hot hurry to digitise. But what has triggered it?

COVID-19 changed life for everyone forever, not least of which, the road freight industry. During lockdown, demand for deliveries grew to dizzying levels. However, the industry was subject to all of the constraints of lockdown, border closures, and quarantine restrictions. 

Road freight logistics became indispensable in Australia’s economic stability during this time. Since then, expectations from consumers for transparency, efficiency, and service have increased and continue to grow. To meet these expectations, transport operators have taken up digital solutions to maintain clear communication and customer satisfaction.

GoDesta digital freight solutions

What’s to be gained from using digital freight solutions?

There are both push and pull factors that are driving the change to digital. Relying on problematic paper-based practices requires significant time from everyone in a transport business, from office staff to drivers, contractors, and customers. In addition, going digital makes it easier to keep up with compliance requirements, meet client expectations, and manage the numerous moving parts of running transport operations. Let’s dig deeper into some of the many benefits of going digital.

Streamlined data gathering

Take recording driver work hours. Instead of drivers having to manually keep a record of how long they’ve worked, an Electronic Work Diary (EWD) or driver app can track fatigue hours and send notifications of when rest breaks are required. This removes the chance of human error and improves safety for drivers and all road users.

Improved safety

Fleet management software makes communication between drivers and office staff easier, plus GPS tracking enhances reliable data gathering. Paper and manual processes are slow to notify businesses of safety issues. However, digital pre-trip checklists mean speedier alerts, reducing the chance that something will be overlooked.

Digitised documentation

Paper permits are not only time-consuming but it’s all too easy to omit important information. Digital versions ensure all required information is gathered and operators know that documentation is current. Plus, employees can stay legally compliant in real-time so they can carry on working without delays waiting for paper applications to be approved.

What digital innovations are in the future for the transport industry?

Change can make people nervous, but the important thing to remember is that the technology with strong uptake is popular because it makes life easier and business more successful. The great innovations will achieve cut-through because they are user-friendly and responsive to the needs of the industry. 

Taking steps to incorporate digital freight solutions is best done sooner rather than later, because the innovations are not stopping. Curiosity is a good place to start, so let’s look at some exciting digital advances on the horizon – and newly available – for the transport industry.

AI trucks

Testing of automated trucks has been under way in Australia since 2022 with one of the early tests taking place in Melbourne late last year. Led by Transurban, this test was the first time a highly automated truck had been road-tested in live-traffic conditions on public motorways.

During the trial, the truck’s Automated Driving System (ADS) successfully manoeuvred several tasks, including travelling in a dedicated lane alongside live traffic on a public motorway and performing lane changes in mixed traffic conditions.

The full report states that there is enough freight demand on Australian roads to allow the potential for automated trucks in the future, pending further trials to explore the safety of the AI.

Zero emissions freight

The global fight against climate change means that multiple new technologies will need to become a part of the trucking industry to meet the new environmental requirements. These new technologies will likely attract a younger, more tech-savvy generation to trucking as the industry is no longer seen as dirty, gas-guzzling, and old-fashioned.

Several Australian states have released plans for transitioning to zero emissions freight. Transport for NSW recently released their policy document for zero emissions freight and Queensland’s TMR is in the process of developing its policy while currently trialling electric trucks.

Digital TMS

TMS programs with advanced functionality and customisation are streamlining every element of day-to-day transport operations. From digitising proof of delivery to automating compliance and simplifying fleet management, the range of solutions and flexibility to respond to client needs is vastly superior to Excel spreadsheets, and certainly pen-and-paper processes.

Fortune favours the prepared

Making changes to your current work practices, even if they are evidently beneficial, can feel like a leap of faith. However, the transformation can happen hand-in-hand with your existing work preferences and it doesn’t require a huge budget.

Some steps you could take include:

  • Investing in digital infrastructure to handle the increased amounts of data to support modern technology
  • Adopting data-driven decision-making and smart technologies that give you advanced analytics and real-time data
  • Welcoming opportunities to learn about new technologies and upskill your workforce so your existing talent can adapt and thrive in the new digital age

The rising tide of digital freight solutions can lift all Australian transport operators, from small to large, all 58,000 trucking companies – with some groundwork. 

Developing open-mindedness and curiosity, plus taking practical steps, can help you ride the exciting wave of new technologies on offer.

To discover the opportunities opened to you by a smart TMS, have a look at GoDesta’s solutions here. You can also get in touch to talk with our team and ask us about how your business can make the transition.

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